Welcome to C.L.E.A.R. an acronym for Citizen League Encouraging Awareness of Radiation from electromagnetically radiating sources, called RF or EMF, where the F means "Frequencies."
We are a non-profit , recently acquiring 501c3 status, interacting primarily with citizens of Whidbey and Camano Islands of Northwest WA. Our organization is well connected with like-minded organizations around the nation. Directed by Mark Wahl we have been sharing communications, activities, projects and meetings for about 5 years with a periodic newsletter to keep the information and activity flowing.
The mission of Citizen League Encouraging Awareness of Radiation (C.L.E.A.R.) organization is:
1) Educate Island County citizens and authorities on the ways electromagnetic radiation (aka EMR, EMF, RF) creates useful benefits but used in excess is an invisible, dangerous pollutant, capable of harming living organisms.
2) In order to help protect humans, wildlife, and plants, it will encourage, demonstrate, and advocate for changes in, and mitigation of, unnecessary RF radiation. This requires staying current with the exponentially-growing interconnections and products related to RF-tech, as well as helping local authorities understand how to control the harms of RF.
3) Benefit local members by exchanging information and energy with the growing national network of educators, researchers, and activists, including the minority of real-time electrosensitive persons, all advocating for safer RF tech.
We began after one of our members had found he experienced acute health effects when being around his electronics and wondered what it was about. We now know this is more common, afflicting about 3-5% of the population, and also creating longer-term physical effects for many more people who currently don't feel these as symptoms. We also now know that all living things, e.g., plants, animals, insects, etc., can have cycles and health endangered by strong and careless uses of radio frequency (RF) radiation.
We have grown to understand in depth that electromagnetic waves, widely designated as one of many sources of potential pollution, when proliferated as they are today, are far less safe than the industry claims.
C.L.E.A.R. has grown to be a multi-faceted theory-methodology-mitigation and central-coordinating place. We are developing knowledge and smart protections of the natural environs, people, and property of all our citizens.
With leadership from Mark Wahl we have educated ourselves about many aspects of the problem and are working to upgrade the wireless regulatory codes of first Langley then other Whidbey cities and the County itself. Our operating principle: emf microwaves are invisibly filling our airspaces often without consent, and, with imprudent practices and profit-over-people motives, are, in effect, producing what some call "the new second-hand smoke."
On the home page please click the link to join our mailing list and be informed of many areas and activities that may be of interest to you.