(See links at the bottom).
In 2024-5 the wireless industry, LINKED WITH fcc AND cONGRESS, is in aC$elerated overreach.
The FCC has resisted a 2022 higher court decision remanding it to examine its antiquated power limit standards for radiation safety. The judges called these old 1996 “drive 1000mph” sky-high RF safety limits “arbitrary and capricious.” First be clear about their “soft-talk” about a powerful product: 5G is not a minor upgrade from the common (also poorly regulated) 4G. It is now a whole new untested animal, requiring a new antenna network, radically new phones, radically new types of electromagnetic waves, with new kinds of transmission — all so far done without any testing of its powerful products’ effects on humans, animals, or plants! See this 5-min video of top industry operatives admitting “no testing” to Sen. Blumenthal, who was then forced to say “We’re flying blind here!”
5G saturation is rolling out un-health-tested for both urban and rural communities, with implementation strongly accomplished in several medium and large cities. In 2024 the general assessment has been that Big Wireless over-promised benefits and over-expected large profits. Nevertheless, the FCC (handmaiden to the wireless industry) continues to over-promise the value, safety, utility, and even their own profits, from the thousands of new closely spaced small towers now or planned in cities.
Locally, CLEAR is beginning to approach local authorities (County Commissioners, Planning Commissioners, Langley City Council, etc.) about how to avoid adopting any local-sovereignty-limiting regulations. Many governments in California and elsewhere are right now pushing back on the overreach of wireless companies and the FCC.
A good printable informational start is these two PDF pages about 5G from a trusted source: Environmental Health Trust (EHT)
Or you can witness technically literate and articulate Senator Colbeck of Michigan describe in 9 minutes his concern about the push to 5G in this video.
And finally to get the full 5G picture, including the wild satellite plans of Elon Musk to fill the lower orbital zones with clouds of satellites that have lives of about 5 years before needing to be vaporized in the atmosphere (polluting the ionosphere) and replaced with regular rocket launches (again polluting the lower atmosphere).
Are you wondering how local government can contend with the FCC push to have them give up their sovereignty in locating and leasing small cell towers to any wireless telecom that has a whim? A good local wireless ordinance has been already put in place for Langley, WA and efforts by CLEAR to implement one for Island County ae in the works.