Manmade Radiation is The Opposite of Ancient Earth Radiation Known and Used by Natural Animal Bodies
Many non-human species have highly specific vulnerabilities
to human-caused high frequency RF radiation due to their unique physiology which depends
upon, and constantly uses, the Earth’s static geomagnetic fields.
These enable seasonal migration/orientation, nest/den building, mating, reproduction, offspring care, food finding, territorial defense, simple daily/seasonal circadian rhythms, and even longevity and survivorship! Their electromagnetic perceptual makeup includes
multi-system environmental species-specific mechanisms.
Many species have specialized electroreceptor cells and/or
magnetoreception abilities pertinent to their environments that far surpass human sensitivity. For instance, many species can
sense natural non-alternating, steady magnetic fields in diverse ways. Migratory bird species, numerous insect species
including honey bees, fish, mammals, bats, mollusks, and bacteria use these. Some bird species may actually ‘see’ the Earth’s magnetic fields via complex magneto-perception capabilities located in their eye and beak areas.
Furthermore, manmade EMF can capture, entrain, and manipulate living cells’ basic functioning architecture unlike natural EMF with which most living things have evolved. Additionally, it typically functions at higher intensities for longer durations, thereby increas-ing exposures in frequency ranges that are minimal in the natural environment, introducing signaling
characteristics (modulation, phasing, pulsing etc.) that simply
do not exist in nature. All these electromagnetic receivers may account for the myriad biological effects seen by researchers over the last several decades.
Just one example: the iconic
Monarch butterfly is known
to have magnetite in their antennae. One study found their head and thorax areas contain magnetic materials and another
found that their longest fall migration, Canada to wintering grounds in Mexico, is helped by their "magnetic inner compass."
Frame the problem: Video (11 min) on the whole 5G underbelly
Background: Cell towers have multiplied in the last ten+ years and have crept ever closer to where people live. If you are unlucky enough to have one within 8 blocks of your home, this can be 2 to 100 times worse than using a cell phone 2 hours daily.
Why? 1) Cell antennas' high-powered, jagged-with-data signals intersect your full indoor/outdoor environment and body. 2) They transmit their radiation 24/7 during your awake and sleeping times, especially through your windows! (Bad in your yard too.)
Could anything be worse? Working its way into Whidbey, now at least a capability on all tower antennas you see is 5G capability. This is intended to build out communication with in-your-face mini-cell transmitters near your house, yet to be permitted. This ultra-intense 5G wireless system, not just a gentle upgrade of 4G. This uses the radar frequencies currently used in military crowd-control weapons and, of course, aircraft installations! They impact skin layers (think skin cancer) more than internal organs and the eyes (think macular degeneration). Trees, air moisture, structures, can block theses, so vegetation clearing often accompanies 5G installations.
Right now T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T are trying to quickly "buy" congressional consent for laws (like house bill HR3557) all seeking passage in April 2024, that negate a community's right to say "NO" to close-up mini-antennas. You can tell Rick Larsen to reject these attacks on local sovereignty. Click below for more information on these laws, contact actions, and on cell towers and 5G.
This will be hard for many of you to "hear!" Almost all hearing aids sold today are emf emitters (using Bluetooth radiation) that, while not as strong as cell phones, but just 1/4" away from your brain making a strong effect, send unhealthy moderate-strength microwave emissions many hours a day right into your brain (and often through it). Delicate tissues of the inner ear and brain can be affected in real time and/or in a few years of use! Users may feel "off" when using them but attribute it to other causes.
Remember: Strength (increased with nearness) AND Duration are two variables of radiation that can disturb and wear down endurance thresholds of your tissues. Radiation signals stress cells, commonly even generating cancer over time, through documented chromosome breaks, damage to your tiny cell "batteries," known as mitochondria, and oxidative stress damage. At least 1.5% of populations are very emf-sensitive (EMS). from 5% to 10% feel uncomfortable over time or begin to feel symptoms of exposure attributing it to other things. The user can just start to feel "off," have tinnitus, skin tingling, fatigue, or dizziness, even mild burning sensations on skin areas. Unfelt effects accumulate over time so that in 10-15 years many grave symptoms, again mis-identified as to source, emerge. Solutions? Not as "cool" or simple, but safer, carefully pick simpler-but-quality types. Ask sellers for "non-blue-tooth" models or AT LEAST with manual blue-tooth on/off settings possible! Examples: HERE and HERE and HERE. (These are not endorsements but "leads" for you start to call and find what can work (safely) for you.
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HEARD THAT SMART METERS CAN BE A RADIATION PROBLEM? (Lots on them, click this headline!
Addiction Issues Compound Radiation Exposure
"Internet Addiction Disorder" is now a bonafide harmful syndrome. Not immediately at the point of severe life impairment, but can progress that direction. Be aware of the slippery slope of intense usage. Are you reading these words on a phone? Do it a lot? You're in good company. Media research in 2017 found over half of users worldwide spent 5 or more hours daily on a smart phone! To get a feel for this number: over a lifetime from age 12 to age 75 at that rate 13 years (!!), of ones life were spent hunched over a phone. (Counting computers and games here would add on even more!) Doctors are finding extra growths on adolescent neck vertibrae "evolving" for neck support! All of this triggers health issues from intense cell phone EMF exposure. (Learn about it in info on this site. Learn in Mark's presentation--link in first column above--about these health effects and dangers).
Active 2018...2025...
CLEAR's Goals and Objectives:
- Raise public awareness (families, health care providers, schools, authorities) of potential risks to health of all living beings from a growing cloud of invisible radio frequency (RF) radiation in almost every location. RF carries many benefits but in excess can become a dangerous pollutant.
- C.L.E.A.R. leadership will be available to mentor the public on RF safety in their personal use of radiating possessions, e.g., computers, bluetooth items, cell phones, etc.
- In order to help protect pets, wildlife, plants and humans, C.L.E.A.R. will advocate for strengthening of supervision of RF provided to public spaces by wireless developers. We will educate individuals, families, health care providers, schools, and the general public about added property costs, privacy risks, and health challenges needing local supervision.
- Given the tsunami of wireless development and radiating tech creations headed our way, C.L.E.A.R. leaders will endeavor to stay current with tech changes, regulations, and legal developments happening nationally.
- C.L.E.A.R. will encourage local government and businesses to cooperate in implementing a low-EMF public environment and to be receptive to hearing citizen concerns about excess radiation.

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Whidbey Resident? Ask us to send you a sheet of informative links. Also ask ANY question you may have and FEEL FREE TO ASK for information on things that interest you!