Assuming you have already read the information on the Gofundme page for:

Preserve Langley’s Character in the Wireless Age!

Here is more granular info you might find interesting and helpful :

A 5-minute video of ace attorney  Andrew Campanelli warning about puny city codes and how city administrators can feel “their hands are tied” by antenna site developer wishes.

• A 2-page document from Americans for Responsible Technology that describes in simple language the need for, and the basic workings of, strong wireless codes in every city and county in the country.

• Some small examples of how a “referee” code stops wireless overreach:

*A wireless installer says a goal is “closing a ‘gap’ in town telecommunications coverage.” A good referee would ask “how much ‘gap’ is really there and how have you documented it?” (Often it is discovered that a “gap” is highly exaggerated and doesn’t need filling).
*An installer says, “We need to place a radiating facility in this critical spot!” The referee says all facilities must be in the “least intrusive” spot possible, and asks in detail what other sites have been considered. Is this one “in keeping with our aesthetics?” Is a structure there “downgrading village-character?” Is it “jeopardizing property values?” What about standards of safety, traffic-disturbance, view-blocking, property-crowding, and citizen-irradiating?

Real-life anecdotes of what happens where there are poor, carelessly written wireless laws:

1) Brad Harding, M.D., and his wife, Meg McMorrow of Kent, CT, are private alternative health practitioners. Verizon Wireless constructed a 150-foot monopole cell tower just across the street from their office. Slowly, various adverse health symptoms—such as insomnia, cognitive complications, heart irregularities and memory lapses—affected the husband-and-wife team. It became so overwhelming that it affected their ability to practice. The city was unresponsive to the problem. They were forced to move their practice and now electromagnetically-sensitized Meg states they have trouble just being in the parking lot of their former office for any extended duration without feeling overcome by fatigue and malaise.

2) Noah Davidson of Sacramento began begging his City council to have a 5G antenna moved because his five- and seven-year-old nieces got sick for two months straight after Verizon installed a 5G box on a light pole next to their home. With weak wireless laws, the City Council said “there is nothing we can do.” In desperation he hired an electrical engineer to measure the radio-frequency levels. The expert said they had “the highest indoor measurements that he’d ever recorded.” He installed expensive shielding metal and the nieces’ symptoms went mostly away, so he knew this was the cause. Unfortunately now parts of the children’s home are still off limits and the yard of their house is “hot” with radiation.

Don’t let any of this happen to us on Whidbey Island! Start protection by contributing and asking friends to do so too! Donate then click the Share button for a link to pass on to others!